Day01:龍眼富摩咖啡莊園(咖啡DIY體驗)→碧湖觀光茶園 (午餐)→最高分咖啡莊園→二尖山步道→入住大山自在等合法民宿。
Day02:碧湖琥珀社咖啡莊園(烘豆DIY)→太興飛瀑步道(春夏秋季限定) 或太興岩步道→瑞里茶壺餐廳(午餐)→綠色隧道→青葉山莊咖啡體驗(炒豆、磨豆、品嚐咖啡)→圓潭生態園區→回程
Coffee Making with Coffee Gurus
Professional coffee gurus like to have control over the smallest details in their coffee brewing in order to create a perfect cup of coffee unlike any others. The coffee guru at this cafe will show you an unplugged coffee DIY project, where you’ll learn the techniques of hand brewed coffee, and create your own unique flavor. Enter the mellow aroma of the world of coffee, and experience the coffee guru’s persistence in creating a perfect cup of coffee.
Day 1: Formosa Cafee Garden in Longyan (Coffee DIY experience) → Bihu Sightseeing Tea Garden (lunch) → Top 1 Coffee → Erjianshan Trail → Check in to Da Shan Zi Zai B&B
Day 2: Amber Coffee Garden in Bihu (coffee bean roasting DIY) → Taixing A-Ye-Xi Waterfall Trail (limited to spring, summer and fall seasons), or Taixingyan Trail → Teapot Restaurant in Ruili (lunch) → Green Tunnel → Coffee experience at Green Leave Villa (coffee bean roasting, grinding and coffee tasting) → Yuantan Eco Park → Return