奮起福是來嘉義的在地品牌,一間以【台灣米】為創作出發點的特色店家,主要販售以米製食品為主,【單純無添加,用心做適合全家人的米餅】是品牌的核心精神,品牌107年進駐台南誠品生活,嘉義檜意森活村,並於 108年6月獲得比利時「食品界米其林」之稱的2019 ITQI國際風味暨品質評鑑大賽-風味絕佳獎,是台灣第一家以米香在國際上參賽獲獎的店家,將嘉義品牌行銷到國際上。
A traditional Taiwan snack. Fenchifu introduced the concept of producing their rice cracker with less oil, sugarand no added preservatives but still retaining the same traditional taste and crispiness. Combining TaiwanAlishan specialities, Wasabi and Brown Sugar, the taste is extraordinary. This product participated in the Belgian 2019 iTQi (International Taste & Quality Institute) and won a 1 StarAward for Superior Taste.