【Ruei Ming Shiang Tea】Alishan Tea Picking and Tea Feast Experience(複本) - Alishan Easy Go

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【Ruei Ming Shiang Tea】Alishan Tea Picking and Tea Feast Experience(複本)


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Through the misty breeze among forest of bamboos, tea feasts are truly a cultural experience. The teachings of how to brew and taste tea you cannot miss.

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 Dates: By reservation only, please contact Mr Yeh for more details

(Mr. Yeh 0921-550-087)

(Tours periodically closes during busy season from mid-April through mid-May)

Tour time: Approx. 2 hours (09:00~12:00 or 14:00~17:00)

Participants: Tour opens with 5 or above, up to a max of 30.

Transportation: self-driven or we can recommend a 20-seater bus at your request.

Meals: We can recommend restaurants nearby or book bento boxes at your request (Vegetarian options available upon request)


Tour includes 1. Tea Feast with a Forest of Bamboos 2. Tea Picking Experience


1.Tea Feast (taste tea within a forest of bamboo of your dreams)

2.Tea Picking Fun 

2.1  Learn and equip with tea picking accessories

2.2  Learn how to pick the perfect 1-heart 2-leaf

2.3  Observe whether you have picked the right leaves

2.4  Weigh and learn about how teas are made (Learn about how Alpine/High Mountain Teas are made)








※At the designated entry, enter after swiping QR code. ( 37, 6th Neighborhood Rueifong Village, Meishan Township, Chiayi County)

※The pass is limited to 1 patron only, every electronic ticket can only enter once; no repeated admissions after ticket has been checked in.

※Please arrive half an hour prior to your touring hour.

※Please confirm via phone before your admission dates.

※Operating Hours:09:00~17:00

※Contact Us:0921550087

※For more info:http://www.rmstea.com.tw/index.aspx?shop=rmstea&t=main

1.The fees do not include transportation, meals or accommodation.

2.Please pay attention to weather prior to tour. If it rains, there are indoor facilities available.

3.For those driving, please set google map at “Yong Hsin Tea – Ruei Ming Shiang Tea Experience (in Mandarin)”, when you are near, follow the road signs for easier navigation.


1.The 2019 package admissions is available through 31st December 2019.

2.For reasons force majeure (including but not limited to typhoon, earthquakes, torrential rain etc…), and for the safety of everyone, event organizers should announce any delays or cancellations of any events asap. We will announce any changes and contact our patrons as soon as we can. Barring any disputes, the organizers retain the right to change, cancel or adjust the contents of our services.

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    NT$ 600
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    • 7140 Viewed
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    NT$ 600