天然莊 - Alishan Easy Go

Home 天然莊


體驗阿里山茶的美好,茶文化饗宴的洗禮,以及茶席品茗之美。 歡迎來到天然莊好好放鬆,展開充實身心靈的旅程!

Store information



Nature Grange, home of Alishan tea and the perfect environment for growth of tea, is composed of the clouds, humidity, sunshine and soil that given by Nature, and the Tropic of Cancer runs through the tea plantations that makes it a good environmental  indicator specialize in nontoxic nurturing healthy tea trees. Tea production processes at Nature

Grange - from withering, fermenting, roasting and rolling to drying - all formalities are well-done by throughout involvement and strict checking

on by the tea master.

Nature Grange has an exceptionally gifted excellent natural environment. The tea master leads our team to focus on all advantages from the tea plantation area’s natural conditions, developing the specialty tea that owns deep vitality and elegant orchid velvety taste floating in its flavor, slightly golden amber colour, with sweet, mellow and smooth taste. Nature Grange Tea, as the ultimate Taiwanese high-quality tea, is worth appreciation!

Nature Grange has been running tea industry business for thirty years. With "respecting Nature, rewarding the Earth" as it management

philosophy, Nature Grange has produced high-quality, non-toxic, non-polluted and additive-free Alishan alpine Oolong tea.



Address 606台灣嘉義縣中埔鄉9-6號
Phone 0988274922, 0937927133
Remark 周一~周日8am~8pm



Package ticket recommended

Package ticket recommended