【Maintang Tea】Tea Bags of Alishan Jinxuan (3g/6 teabags/pack)

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【Maintang Tea】Tea Bags of Alishan Jinxuan (3g/6 teabags/pack)


  • 395 Viewed

Jinxuan variety has a mellow sweetness, soft yet elegant flavor. Our teabags are PLA made triangular stitchless bags. Tea pellets are visible, and suitable for both hot and cold brew.

  • Delivery/Pick-Up

  • Valid dates

    即日起 ~ 2019/12/31

  • Ways to Pick-up

    Home delivery - 黑貓宅急便(限本島)

  • Payment Method


Jinxuan variety tea is grown in the Rueifong Village in Meishan Township, Alishan at the altitude of 1,200~1,300 meters. Jinxuan, AKA Golden Daylily  is classed as TTES#12, has its origins in Taiwan, a derivative of TaiNong #8 and Daguang Red Heart variety which originates from Fujian Province. It is lightly roasted, an aroma and sweetness you won’t want to miss.


※Suitable for cold or hot brew. Adjust concentration according to your liking. Can be brewed multiple times.

※Operating Hours:Monday ~ Saturday,11:00~19:00

※Contact Us:05-2251070

※For more info:http://maintang.com.tw/default.aspx

1.If the goods have been used, the return refund will not be accepted.

2.Products are delivered straight from the farm; delivery will take between 2~3 days.

Placed in a normal temperature environment, avoiding high temperatures, humidity and direct sunlight

NT$ 200
  • 395 Viewed
NT$ 200